Tobias Metzlaff

LAAS-CNRS Toulouse 
Équipe POP Office E53

7 Avenue du Colonel Roche 
31400 Toulouse, France 

Mail: math"at"tobiasmetzlaff"dot"com
Phone: (+33) 05 61 33 64 80

Weyl Groups     -     Invariant Theory     -     Orthogonal Polynomials     -     Gröbner Bases     -     Optimization     -     Dynamical Systems

Research Interests

(Click here for my Research Statement.)

(Math Subject Classification 13 14 17 20 33 90)

I am a postdoc in the POP team of LAAS-CNRS Toulouse with Victor Magron and Igor Klep supported by COMPUTE. My research focuses on the development and improvement of algorithms to solve computational problems through the exploitation of symmetry. I am particularly interested in crystallographic symmetries related to Weyl groups, multiplicative invariants, generalized Chebyshev polynomials and applications in polynomial optimization, dynamical systems and graph coloring as well as noncommutative algebras. To learn more about my favorite research project, feel free to click the images on the right.

My doctoral thesis entitled "Crystallographic Groups and Chebyshev Polynomials in Global Optimization" was supervised by Evelyne Hubert and defended on 15 December 2022 at Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur. To access the thesis, please click here or visit the library of Université Côte d'Azur. The doctorate was part of the POEMA network, supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Short CV
(Click here for my full CV.)

June 2014:  High School Diploma (Abitur) awarded by Gymnasium Würselen    October 2014 - March 2018:  Bachelor Student at RWTH Aachen University    October 2016 - March 2018:  Student Assistant at RWTH Chair C for Mathematics    March 2018:  Mathematics BSc awarded by RWTH Aachen University with Eva Zerz    April 2018 - November 2019:  Master Student at RWTH Aachen University    October 2018 - September 2019:  Student Assistant at RWTH Chair II for Mathematics    October 2019:  Mathematics MSc awarded by RWTH Aachen University with Viktor Levandovskyy    December 2019 - December 2022:  Doctoral Researcher at Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur    November 2020 - January 2021:  Secondment at UiT The Arctic University of Norway with Cordian Riener    October - December 2021:  Secondment at Numerical Algorithm Group with Shuanghua Bai    December 2022:  Mathematics PhD (Docteur en Mathématiques) awarded by Université Côte d'Azur with Evelyne Hubert    January 2023 - January 2025:  Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Kaiserslautern-Landau    since February 2025:  Postdoctoral Researcher at LAAS-CNRS Toulouse   

Journal Articles

   Additive and Multiplicative Coinvariant Spaces of Weyl Groups in the Light of Harmonics and Graded Transfer with Sebastian Debus, 2024 (arxiv, hal, submitted)

   On symmetry adapted bases in trigonometric optimization, 2023 (arxiv, hal, published in JSC)

   Optimization of trigonometric polynomials with crystallographic symmetry and spectral bounds for set avoiding graphs, 2022 with Evelyne Hubert, Philippe Moustrou and Cordian Riener (arxiv, hal, published in MAPRA)

   Orbit Spaces of Weyl Groups Acting on Compact Tori: A Unified and Explicit Polynomial Description with Evelyne Hubert and Cordian Riener, 2021 (arxiv, hal, published in SIAGA)

   Computing free non-commutative Gröbner Bases over with Singular:Letterplace with Viktor Levandovskyy and Karim Abou Zeid, 2020 (arxiv, hal, published in JSC)

Conference Articles and Posters

   Fundamental invariants of improper symplectic reflection groups with Ulrich Thiel at Saarbrücken SFB-TRR 195 Annual Meeting, 2023 (poster)

   Symmetry Adapted Bases for Trigonometric Optimization at ISSAC, 2023 (poster, published in ACM)

   𝕋-Orbit Spaces of Multiplicative Actions and Applications with Evelyne Hubert, Philippe Moustrou and Cordian Riener at ISSAC, 2022 (poster, published in ACM)

   Computation of free non-commutative Gröbner Bases over with Singular:Letterplace with Viktor Levandovskyy and Karim Abou Zeid at ISSAC, 2020 (hal, published in ACM)


    Maple:GeneralizedChebyshev: a Maple package for the irreducible reduced root systems and their associated generalized Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.

    Singular:Letterplace: a Singular extension for finitely presented modules over finitely presented associative non-commutative algebras.


   EURO 2024:  Spectral bounds for set avoiding graphs via polynomial optimization

   MoPAT 2024:  Chebyshev Moments

   JNCF 2024:  Singularités symplectiques et invariants diagonaux

   AROMATH Seminars 2023:  Symplectic singularities and diagonal invariants

   AG 2023:  Crystallographic Symmetries in Trigonometric Optimization

   JNCF 2023:  Optimisation Trigonométrique avec Symétrie

   Paris POEMA Workshop 2022:  Optimization of trigonometric polynomials with crystallographic symmetry and applications

   JNCF 2022:  Polynomial description for the 𝕋-Orbit Spaces of Multiplicative Actions

   Sophia Antipolis Industrial Workshop 2021:  Orbit Spaces for exponential Weyl Group Actions and the Chromatic Number of n

   Modern Analysis Related to Root Systems with Applications 2021:  Regions of orthogonality of generalized Chebyshev polynomials as semi-algebraic set

   AROMATH Seminars 2021:  The Chromatic Number of n via optimization of multivariate Chebyshev polynomials

   ICMS 2020:  Gröbner bases over 𝕂 and in theory and practice


I am/was an assistant for the following lectures at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau:

   Quadratic Number Fields with Ulrich Thiel (Summer 23)

   Representation Theory with Gunter Malle (Winter 23/24)

   Character Theory of Finite Groups with Ulrich Thiel (Summer 24)

   Algebraic Geometry with Ulrich Thiel (Winter 24/25)

Scientific Events

January 2020: Florence POEMA Workshop    March 2020: Luminy JNCF    May, 2020: POEMA Learning Weeks (online)    July 2020: SFO (online)     July 2020: Braunschweig ICMS    July 2020: Kalamata ISSAC    October 2020: POEMA Workshop (online)    January 2021: Mørketidens Mattemøte (online)    February 2021: POEMA Workshop (online)    April 2021: General Julia Training (online)    July 2021: Cetraro Workshop on Algebraic Combinatorics of the Symmetric Groups and Coxeter Groups    September 2021: Toulouse POEMA Workshop    October 2021:  Luminy Workshop on Modern Analysis Related to Root Systems with Applications    December 2021: Sophia Antipolis POEMA Industrial Workshop    January 2022: Mørketidens Mattemøte (online)    February 2022: POEMA Workshop (online)    March 2022: Luminy JNCF    June 2022: Nordfjordeid Summer School on Real and Tropical Algebraic Geometry     July 2022: Lille ISSAC    September 2022: Paris POEMA Workshop    November 2022: Kaiserslautern Winter School on Computational Algebraic Geometry    March 2023: Luminy JNCF    June 2023: Angers Summer School on Processes and Heat Kernels with Symmetries    July 2023: Eindhoven SIAM AG    July 2023: Tromso ISSAC    August 2023: Nordfjordeid Summer School on Higher Structures in Algebra and Geometry    September 2023: Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany (online)    September 2023: Saarbrücken SFB-TRR 195 Annual Meeting    October 2023: Kaiserslautern SingAlg    November 2023: Luminy Workshop on Symmetry, Stability, and interactions with Computation    March 2024: Luminy JNCF    March 2024: Konstanz MoPAT    June 2024: Tromso Arctic MSCA Symposium    July 2024: Copenhagen EURO    February 2025: Sophia Antipolis TENORS Learning Week   

External Links

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